So What's the NBYC All About?
Do I have to own a boat to become a member of the NBYC?
Absolutely not! “Yacht clubs” today really don’t involve boating at all, so don’t feel intimidated either if you don’t know anything about yachting. Probably 99% of our members are in the same boat.
Do I have to live in Ohio to become a member of the NBYC?
Well, not Ohio exactly, but you definitely need to be in the Tri-State area, as all of our events are held locally.
What do members of the NBYC actually do?
NBYC is a social organization for those who are interested in enjoying fun events and creating new friendships. Every month we have a social event at a different “dock.” Through special events and fundraisers, money is raised to support local charities. In this way we hope to bring a positive outlook to the West Side of Cincinnati and continue a legacy that many of us have enjoyed throughout our lifetime.
Do I have to wear boating attire to NBYC events?
Well, you certainly can…but most of our events are casual attire, so feel free to just be yourself. We do have a black-tie-optional dinner dance at Christmas.

How much does it cost?
There is a one-time initiation fee of $100 per couple ($50 for single applicants). Yearly dues are $50 per member.

Aren’t you that place down on the river in North Bend?
You must be referring to North Bend BOAT Club. No, we are not affiliated with that club—we are a totally different organization. They actually have docks with boats in them.

What are Discount Docks?
Discount Docks are West Side restaurants that we have negotiated a discount perk for our members. When you frequent one of our designated DDs, you will receive a discount on beverages and appetizers (or whatever agreement was made) when you present your NBYC membership card. Please visit our Member Benefits & Travel page to see participating businesses.
Will I have to serve on some committee?
Not at all…but we can always use more hands to help! If you are interested in volunteering in some way please go to our CONTACT page and send a message about how you would like to help.